God bless The Malcontent, you've made my day. That is, for the post about stripper/porno names that can be easily generated using names of prominent politicos and various members of Congress. Heh - members. Since the source is a subscription-only link to The Hotline, I'll just do as Matt did and copy the list myself. My personal favorite is "Kennedy Whitehouse." Though, of course, "Spitzer Cummings" has charms all its own. And finally, Ohio Republican John Boehner has been recognized in several of the submissions below for a name almost as entertaining as his former congressional colleague, the senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The nominations:
Goode Sessions; Buyer Weiner; Costa Lott; Issa Foxx; Rangel Dicks; Harry Boehner; Weiner Sessions; Nita Dicks; Nita Johnson; Holden Weiner; Costa Dicks; Harry Weiner; Tanner Hyde; Issa Boehner; Boehner Bayh; Weiner Bayh; Goode Bayh; Bayh Moore; Goode Pryce; Mary Johnson; Mary Cochran; Patty Reid; Harry Reed; Issa Cummings; Harry Reid; Wu Young Dicks; Frank Johnson; Dick Bond; Loretta Sanchez; Payne Sessions; Otter Heineman; Johnson Hunter; Dicks Granger; Candy Dicks; Cox Polk; Buck Traficant; Moore Johnson; Rep. Faleomavaega and just about any Johnson; Costa Fortuño; Dingell Berry; Fattah Dicks; Spitzer Cummings; Norm Dicks; Fattah Johnson; Phil Akaka; Kind Dicks; Pryor Farr; Rove Foxx; Chuck Bonjean; Akin Cheeks; Chaka Goode; Kennedy Whitehouse; Vitter Sessions; and “anything with Loebsack.”
My only confusion is how "Ensign Brownback" didn't make it on to the list. It would be perfect for a pirate-themed porno: a young British naval officer is captured during a skirmish off the coast of Hispanola, only to discover that's it's not all rum and the lash on the high seas...